
Would you like to report on your housing experiences in a video? We look forward to receiving an e-mail from you! The explanatory video is currently only available in german language, but we are happy to provide detailed explanations of the production process in english language on request.

Here you can take a look at the four questionnaires on which the videos are based. They each set a thematic focus, create a connection between the various contributions and are intended to make writing easier for you as a basis. You should make the questionnaire suitable for yourself: cross out what is duplicated and add what is still missing. You are the author of your contribution. The questionaires are in german and can be translated on request. Below you can find a list of the main topics to get an impression.

- Having control over one's own living space (financial, design and social aspects)
- Function of different spaces/indoor vs. outdoor space
- Sensory impressions and subjective spatial perception
- Social safety nets, hospitality and solidarity
- The development of these aspects over the last three years
- Wishes and utopias
- The division into work and leisure and their spatial location--do these two words match your experience?
- Availability, functions, activities and social and identity-forming aspects of leisure and work and their spatial location
- Social, physical and financial impact of the work situation on the housing experience
- Leisure, relaxation and consumption
- The development of these aspects over the last three years
- Wishes and utopias
- Power, powerlessness and opportunities for participation in the immediate neighbourhood and in the public space.
- Social relations in the district and their spatial factors
- Places experienced as safe, places experienced as unsafe, dangers and the relationship with the police
- personal use habits of public space
- The development of these aspects over the last three years
- Wishes and utopias
 - past experiences with living environments and their connections with the current relationship to one's own living space
- How does one remember spaces, through which impressions can a past space be described?
- Developments in attitudes towards one's own housing biography in the last three years
- Wishes and utopias

Here you can watch two videos that were made during the first run of the project two years ago:

If you are interested or have any questions, please send an email to:

wohnverhaeltnisse (at)