
From January 14-28, 2024, Wohnverhaeltnisse was a guest at the gallery Kunstraum 53 in Hildesheim (GE). Some of the resources and documents created on site during the project remain accessible on this page.


As the centerpiece of the exhibition, a series of videos was produced in which various people from Hildesheim talk about their experiences with their housing environments.



Speeches and discussion on the topic of homelessness as part of a “Day of Action against Homelessness” on 21.01.2024. Recorded outside on Ottoplatz, Hildesheim (DE)
Mini Zine: Lies mich! Wie wir nicht über Wohnungslosigkeit reden können!
Swen and Lun created the mini-zine (translated title: read me: ho we can (not) talk about homelessness) in preparation for the project as a basis for respectful cooperation within the team and in the exhibition. You are welcome to distribute it further. There is no english translation yet.
info window: Self-organization of homeless people
Designed by Swen, an information window provided information about the possibilities of self-organization for people without a home and invited those affected to think about setting up such structures in Hildesheim. After two initial exchange meetings, the initiative is currently in the process of being set up.
banner gallery
A number of protest banners and objects were created together with visitors.


opening concert: Oria&Omid
community library
As a place of learning and encounter, Wohnverhaeltnisse has invited four different libraries, each with very different book cultures and perspectives, to contribute material on the subject of housing. From bookshops to left-wing info stores. From leaflets to children's books.
A list of events from the supporting program curated by Swen and Lun.
4.01.+ 12.01. Austauschtreffen unter Wohnungslosigkeits- erfahrenen Menschen
Austausch und gemeinsames Essen

14.01 Eröffnung
Konzert von Omid&Oria und Gespräch mit dem Team

21.01. Aktionstag Wohnungslosigkeit
Mit Podiumsgespräch auf dem Ottoplatz und Lesung mit Klaus Jünschke aus „Gefangen und Wohnungslos: Gespräche mit Obdachlosen in Haft“
15.01. Aktionstag Wohnungslosigkeit
Mietrechtsworkshop in Kooperation mit dem Hildesheimer Mieterverein e.V.

28.01. Abschluss

Malwerkstatt, gemeinsames Essen, Kassetten Set von DJ Omar, Filmscreening: „Residenzpflicht“ von Denise Garcia Bergt